Friday, 11 November 2011

Loss of Agriculture and Farmers Eastern township

Agriculture is very important us,and significant employer.Without enough viable commercial farms,South Africa,s food security is endangered.
Eastern township are at Ekurhuleni east of Johannesburg and badly affected by Acid mine drainage of which was produced by the Mines which left the slarry or dump side which are full of heavy metals and these heavy metals are drained into our spruit and rivers of which we depend on for agriculture that is farming,we depend on for drinking as well as fishing for living, but all this is in danger.
Loss of Farmers will hit jobs and food security.The Environmental meeting we had with other organisation concerning the polluted water which affect farming in rural areas.Ernest a farmer in Nigel near Duduza township, said that in 1980 there were about 128 000 commercial farmers, in 1997 there were about 58 000 and 40 000 today,predictions were that this would drop to 15 000 in the next 15 years. he said South Africa used to export more food than it imported.Organised agriculture indicated that the decline is Twofold. one is cost of farming are rising fast than output, reason the climate change and water is polluted it does not serve its purpose,but it kills the crops.Coming to Ekurhuleni which is highly affected by acid mine drainage as well sewage water affect the small scale and commercial farmers and its fast affecting jobs of the rural areas people, this creates a lot of uncertainty,and uncertainty does not attract investment. Government needs to create an environment in which agriculture can flourish.When talking to  local Ekurhuleni Government officials they indicated that the issue of water is dealt with at a high level of the government, they will soon give a report back on that, the second concern is the small scale farmers that are making a living out farming and now is being affected by this Environmental issues, which little or nothing is done about it.
A meeting will called to inform communities about the problem we are facing concerning Farming in Ekurhuleni.Agriculture is basis of the Rural areas economy, its counts for a lions share for them and if nothing is done about it, soon we will be affected by this problem we think its far away from us. people depend on agriculture for food and income, we need to fight to together achieve the best for rural communities and urban communities, because we as well depend on farming.
Kwa thema monitor
Ekurhuleni environmental org

Friday, 28 October 2011

Impala platinum in Springs involve in Reclcling

Impala platinum is situated in Springs and Springs is situated in the east of Johannesburg at Ekurhuleni Metro.Springs its one of places which mining took place over 10 decades and is badly affected by the mine shafts which were left by the mines,without rehabilitating the land. As of today nothing has been done to fix the wrongs by these capitalist.
However Impala Platinum initiated a recycling project, involving community, schools and small business as well.The Impala platinum Environmental Manager, indicated that it is important to start the project with  children to get the country to recycle, by teaching young children to recycle they take this message home to the adults and we reach bigger group of people.A health concern was raised by community on children pick up dirty tins on the streets of the township which some contain dangerous chemicals,after picking up the tins they will go and eat without washing their hands.Before the project kick off health and safety education must done as well as training on basic hygiene.
The primary method for waste disposal  in South Africa by landfiill.Recycling occurs through private companies,charities,schools,environmental groups, non governmental organisation, community based organisation and informally. informal recycling is typically in the form of waste picking directly from the household bins on collection day or from the landfill site. Waste picking is a form of livelihood strategy in order get out income to support individuals and families living in poverty.
The Impala platinum selected schools from different township to participate in recycling and the school which perform better in recycling or recycles the most waste will crowned the winners and will be given the  prize sponsored by impala platinum.Communities will assisted to do their own recycling in order to earn something.Recycling helps to keep place clean and reduces the dumping which at the end brings rats and insects which carry lot diseases.
The project has already started and will be reviewed on monthly bases, we hope it  what is initiated Impala Platinum other companies will follow suit and help the communities.Companies get involve in CSR(company social responsibility)and lift the life of poor people.
The competition will run till end of May next year but this initiative will be sustainable into the future.
Kwa Thema Monitor

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Electricity crisis in Kwathema

Kwa thema is a township in Springs in the eastrand called Ekurhuleni, which a population of about 45 000 people,high number of uneployment and crime is high.
Recently from July concerns have been raised corcerning the Electricity in Kwa thema,a letter has been written to Mayor and Mec in August the 6th and 22nd the was no response from the local Government,s office, after escalating the lack of response to electricity crisis corncerns.An letter addressed to Ekurhuleni Mayor Mondli Gugubele was handed to his office 6th of September 2011 detalaing electricity problems in the township. given two weeks to respond,no response has yet been forth coming from the mayor,prompting community escalate the matter to Mec for local government Humphrey Mmmemzi in September, Community appears to have hit another wall. two marches were done and damages and injuries were expereinced but no response from the local government,Latetly on 17th-10-2011 again the was a march demanding a response from the local government and the Mayor, the government office was damage and cars, streets were bloked with rocks and burning tyres as well.
We hope the local Government will respond soon before more damages are done,in my previous aticle i explain the problem of the electricity, how it negatively affect the community.
Kwa thema monitor

Grootvlei mine in Springs(aurora)finally liquidated

Springs is situated in the east of Johannesburg,Ekurhuleni.Grootvlei mine is at Paynvile in Springs.Paynville is an area which blacks were moved out to Kwa thema during time of apartheid and it was used for mining.
Grootvlei mine was bought by Aurora under directors Khulubuse Zuma,Zodwa Mandela, Michael Hulley and Thulani Ngubani.The decision to liquidate Aurora Empowerment system,the company responsible for unpaid salaries of workers at Grootvlei mine from march last year to date, was finally ratified last Wednesday, after yet another liquidation application against the cash -strpped company.
Workers suffered and lost property that houses because they could not pay bonds,others lost their cars,workers stayed without food, until churches and other organisation intervened.Trade unoin Solidarity lodged a liquidation application againts Aurora in May this year in an attempt to recover R3,1 million in unpaid salaries for workers at Grootvlei mine.This after the company ran into financial problems in March last year,problems that resultsd in thousands of workers going unpaid for months thereafer.Solidarity applcation was not the one that prompted the courts decision. Copper eagle,a former contractor for Aurora had previously lodged an application of its ,totaling R9m
The decision represent a victory for solidarity regardless,asit has tirelessly fought to bring the politically connected company to book,According to the union,the liquidation order paves the way for legal action against directors Khulubuse Zuma,Zodwa Mandela,Michael Hulley and Thulani Ngubani, who may now held accountable for R1,7billion in damages from looting of mining assets at both mines while under their management.
The final liquidation of this affiliate, under which tyhe contracts of all Aurora employees fell and of which Mandela is director,is expected to be ratified on November.We hope and think all the employees will be informed and benefit after a long suffering because of capitalist,who really dont care about workers and commuunities,wish the best of luck.
Kwa thma monitor

Friday, 14 October 2011

Climate change in South africa

South africa is the largest CO2 emitter on the African continent, and the 12th leargest emitter in the world.Devastating
Climate change is an average change of weather pattern of place for a long period of time, the cause of  climate change is green house gases especially CO2 in the atmosphere.
Climate change will have a negative impact on us all as the earths average temperatures rises, Oceans are warming, ice caps in the north and south poles are melting, sea level are rising and extreme weather events like huricanes, drouhgt, floods, cold spells and heat waves are occuring more often. climate change is likely to  results in adrain on the economy because of increased sickness among the population,damage to transpotation infrastructure, reduction in prdutive land and available water, loss of homes,through heavy rains.Having based our industrialisation on the burning of fossil fuels, we placed ourselves at the brief point between ecological contrant and ecological catastroph.We are living like there is no tomorrow,no coming generation.
Our South African Government is showing very little commitment or nothing at all, because they are still building more coal power station like Khusile and Modupi to generate electricity out of  which emit lot of CO2. secondly our Government want to build 6 nuclear plant in Cape province to generate electricity.Nuclear is produced out of uranium which is radioactive as well as Nuclear,How can you generate electricity out of a bomb, we saw what happen in Japan.Government is not looking at  itroducing renewable energies like Soalr, Wind turbines and Biomas and so on,We have all the resources in South africa.
Our commitment to tackle climate change does not rest only on the achievment and implementation of international agreements.Our commitment must be borne out by what we do here at home. We have the means indeed, the responsibility to ensure that our policies, programs and actvities contribute to emission reduction and respond to the impact of climate change on our country and region.Avoiding runaway climate change will require the most far reaching structral reforms carried out by human society, businness as usual is simply not an option, already other Countries like Kenya and Somalia are  affected by drought. rewable energy must be introduced to aviod catastrophy in our country
Kwathema monitor

Monday, 10 October 2011

Ekkurhuleni(springs, nigel and brakpan(isf)

Ekurhuleni is east of Johannesburg in the Eastrand. Springs, nigel and brakpan are as well in the aest rand, Ekurhuleni,Ekurhuleni is place which was occupied by mines and other big companies without looking at the
effects of health of the communities and the was no consultation regarding their concerns
The industry safety forum recently launched to look at health and safety standards as well as conerns of the communty. The ISF has attracted representative from 15 leading companies,mostlty from manufacturing sector, together with the eastern Gauteng Chamber of commerce and industry.ISF chairman Leon, whois safety manager.says this broadbased represenatation is vital to the suatainability and effiecy of the forum.The role of the kwa thema monitor is to make sure the community issues are taken into consideration as well,the ISF has been established to create a pltform for information sharing and grwth in the field of health and safety.
The members are commited to assisting each other in areas such as compliance with statutory health,safety obligations and commuty issues,shaing of the best practices.problem solving and continous improvement. We also collectively review our strategies, to indentify opportunities for improvement and raising standards. We hope the spirit of cooperation and willingness to share information, this together with increased membership and broader represatation going foward,will raise overall awareness of the importance of communty issues the importance of thesafety and allow local businesses to benchmark their health and safety perfomances.
membership of of the ISF voluntary and meetings are held once a month.we beleive that working with monitors and community based organisation and professional people will assist all the stake holders to achieve better results for everyone involveWe must be to capacitate communties workers about their rights againts the companies around their places,more information will be shed as we kick off.
Kwa thema monitor
Ekurhuleni Environmental Org

Monday, 26 September 2011

kwa thema electricity crisis

Kwa thema is township which is in the east of Johannesburg which fall under Ekurhuleni metro. Kwa thema is having population of 45 000 and high number of un employment which escalates crime.
Kwa thema recently is having a problem with local goverment corncening electricity,The new system was introduced without consulting the community and leaders of the community as well. The system most of the communty dont understant it but what they tell is that ir is expensive, as i have indicated most of the people are not working, those who do are earning next to nothing at all.
The leaders of the Kwathema community that is PAC and ANC called a commnity meeeting on issue of electrictyon 03.08.2011 and letter was drafted to the Mayor and the team, stated all the problem the community is not happy about with the issue of electricity as main issue.The moyor was given two weeks to respond, two weeks went by and the was no responce.another commnity meeting was called and a decision was taken that action must be taken to show the goverment the serouisness of the matter. On the 15.09.2011 comminity went on rampage stoping people from going to work burning gorverment propety street were closed with rockss and burning tyres government officials were threaten as well police came and used rubber bullts to stop the crowd. The second day again it was the same story.Eskom aproach the commnity leaders on the same issue and explain to the leaders that it was not him who introduced the system but the municipalty of kwa thema.The information made commniy more angry and on the 22.08.2011 again community of kwa thema took action destroying government propety and cars blocking the strees again.
The moyor till today have not responded to the leaders and the commnity about the matter.Meeting was held on 24.09.2011 for stategic action to pressurise the government to respond to the demands of the comminty.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


The future of local old age homes andfrail care centres could  come under threat, as lack of Government  support has seen homes closes in Gauteng.
Old people wake early in the morning cold or raining to queue outside municipality halls to get paid,sometimes they dont get paid for a reason not known to her.secondly if he or she does get paid, the kids or grand kids use the money for they purposes, thirdly electricity is so expensive the old cant afford any more. who cares.It was better for the old if they live in the old age homes but with the Governmentlacking support. this is despite the fact that the Gauteng Department of social development underspent R66 million of its annual budget, The old age homes will be the thing of the past. This means that, This means thatthe number of older people without a home is likell to increase. following the death of 12 residents at Sruisbult care centre, proves the lack of safety for old and that the centres are not being monitored correctly.
If nothing is done about this centres the old willbe on the street. the Question that arises is ,What happen to the money from the Department of Social development. I spoke to Robbie Nkabinde spokeman for thesocial development. He accuses the  department of funding non-complant old age homes while compliant care facilities remain grossly underfunded with littlte to no increase in financial resources.
 Its a shame that the Government we voted in let the older to run through thunder. The life of the old is deteriorating and unfortunatly their villages are disappearing too.Keep this in mind we are getting old too, if we dont fix this problem now, whos going to fix for us when times come. Iwish to point out that social development is inconsiderate state.Our Government is able to borrow other countries like Lesotho R2 billion and at the same time cant take of their own old age residents, its shame
Kwa thema monitor

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Bench mark foundation,Road to development,(monitoring school)

Bench mark foundation is  an  independent church based  organisation.It is involve in multiple responsibilities eg, Monitoring school.I felt that it is very important for me and other organisation as well as world to know about Monitoring school.
The Monitoring School started in 2008 by Bench mark. I Meshack Mbangula i started in 2010 May. The Monitoring shool is an amazing capacity building school, when i was called from Justice and peace to attend the school. I was disturb reason being, was the first time i heard of such thing or animal. Disturb as i was,i attended the school with negative intentions.Supringly the  Monitoring school of Bench mark is a class of its own, Im saying this because of what i was before and after i attended the school. Before i attended the school i did not care what is happening in my community, they health,drinking water, dumping and Companies who polluting our environment, I was selfish that the right word.
 What Bech Mark  did to are the following, Computer skills eg basic computer, emails and windows.The other skills are as follows, free writing,speaker trainig, information reseach, confidance and interact with other organisation as well.With these tools i was able to face the Companies around who polluting to take responsability, capacitated my community about environmentas well as domestic pollution and involving the local government in issues pataining the communty that need  be dealt with urgently.I was able to change some of the things like the open areas are no more dumping areas but Parks.
Interacting with other organisation help a lot in gathering in information and used in your community.
Now im part of the Movement called CJN(climate justice now).CJN is movement formed by number of organisation to fight issue of climate change,the aim is to pressurise Govermenmt and big corporates to reduce emmissions that affect our climate negatively with green house gases,Im helping in organising the capacitation of the people of Gauteng about Climate change and the trip to Durban, to Cop17( conference of the parties)where the whole world will be meeting to discuss climate change. We want our Government to  be commited and sign a binding agreement, that is why we are taking everybody to Durban.
Bench Mark foundation significance, importace and relevance of these contributions cannot be over emphasised, im Valued. I hope and believe that other organisation as well as the goverment will follow suit.Thank you Bench Mark you Rock.
Kwa Thema monitor

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Follow up on sewage spillage in Springs

Representative moved to declare the Strubunvale area in Springs as a disaster zone, as sewage continued to flow from broken pipes enventually ending up in the blesbokspruit.
The aim of the meeting was originally to discuss Erwat,s recent filters crisis, which forced the ancor sewage works traetment plant to pump partially treated water into the environment. With Erwat recent replacement of one of three broken filters,eliminating the need for the resultant overflow. Erwat estimated that 50 milliom litres of sewage had escape from the pipes in the past week,prompting outrage from the residets, who heatedly questioned the Metro for its slow response to a pontetial ecological disaster, Councillor Andre du plessis, together with the ward councillor Shadow Shabangu and pr councillor Jackie Reilly, summed up stance on the issue, requesting that the situation be declared a disaster to free up Metro tender processes. Mechanism must put up in place to disinfect or contain the situation for sake of drinking supply, ecological systems in the Blesbokspruit and the  health of residents around park, Meanwhile, chemical samples taken  from the spruit by the quality section last week,as well as chemical and bacteriological samples taken last week were still being analysed. The environmetal heath directorate says that this could be predicted that the incident will have significant effect on water quality, further recommendationts by the (EHD) include the  involvement of the environmental management wing of the Metro,s Department ot Environmental Development, the cleaning of solid  mass fromWilhemina park and to prevent the leakage of sewage from connections on the temporary pipes.Acting metro spokesman Justice Mohale says that  temporary solutions proved in effective, as tenporary pipes could not accommodate peak flow, promting the installation of a second temporary pipe.
 For a permanent solution it will be neccessary to replace both lines with 550mm diameter steel lines with new supports on both sides,Due to the fact  that is a specialised project, it requires proper planning and design.The metro promised to treat the matter with urgency and a meeting will be held soon.
 The residents of Strubunvalle are still breathing the dirty air and their evironment is still being polluted. Something drastically must be done the community of this place
Kwa thema evironmental org

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Economic blow for Springs

The whole country is trying by all means to increase job opportunities, but in Springs which is having high number of unemployment which resulted in high rate of crime, is doing the opposite.
Ringrollers a mojor manufacturer and exporter of forged rail tyres that has operated in Springs for almost 40years, has been forced to leave S[rings due to council red tape. Established in 1972 on two hectare property in selection park industrial area. The company identified a need to expand in 2005, to meet increasing demand for its products, including forged rail tyres for locomotive industry and flanges for petrochemical and industrial sector.They negotiated for the undevolped land directly across from its current site in pienaar road, ideal for itd goal, the company aproached real estate agency iProp, owner of the land, for possibility of building extra facilities.With the land not being zoned for industrial devolopment at that time, iProp initiated a rezoning process with the Metro.
Years of red tape, including a moratoruim on council owned land before and after the 2010 fifa world cup to prevent foreing land grabs,envetually saw the company looking somewhere on the eastrand for suittable land, based four non negotiable criteria.Unable to find suitable land on the eastrand, the company looked further afield,indentifying a pontential site, incidentally, next to parent company DCD Dorlby, along the R59 Vereening highway in 2009,the site was ideal. however, at the tlme , the owner told them that he planning to develop thethe land into mini factories.After two years later, was suprised by the owner inviting an offer after all an opportunity that the company did not have to think twice about, and the sale was formalised in August 2010, all along they tried to talk to Springs Metro about the avalable site in Selection park and they failed.
They say that the company, having been established and grown to Springs, would have been preferred to stay in its hometown, particularly for the sake of its workforce. They first choice was to stay in Springs but lack of cooperation from the metro has forced them to seek property elsewhere.The company is currently employing 180 people, and the company has already arrange for emplyees daily to and from Springs,to lessen the burden,while others are considering relocation to Vereeniging.
Attemps to secure interview with mmc fotr city planning and economic development Bennet Nikani through the metro, however no further communication had been received from metro media, we are still trying to secure a meeting with them, to make sure  a bad thing like this does not happen again.
Kwa thema monitor

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

sprui of sewage in Springs

Staggering stench enveloping Strubunvale in Springs and surrounding areas is getting out of hand.
Springs is a smaal town in the east of Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni. Strubunvale is one of the suburbs Springs.
Strubunvale has had problems in the past  from the companies like Zincor, bad smell from the chemicals and they were polluting blesbokspruit as well, Community fought  with the company ang the matter was resolved.Now they are faced sewage discharge which is causes a staggering stench smell which is unbearable at the same time polluting blesbokspruit.
Accopanying Pretoruis and Havinga, from Ancor works sewage treatment plant, the two showede how semi clean sewage water is being discharged inti the surrounding envinment, what the told us is that they are having issues with the pumps and filters, forcing them to discharge into the environment because the remaining equipment cannot cope with the load. Aresident on the waterfront of the blesbokspruit, which has been affected by the sewage discharge,Said imagine what its like to wake up with the strong smell of sewage in your nostrils every morning everyday its frustating, something must be done and it must be done quickly.
Blesbok runs past this establishment, which most of the sewage water flows to it. one guy the name of which he asked to be withheld for fear of affecting his bussiness further, indicated that the have been cmplaining about thi nothing happen its been a month now. Wanda henning spokeman for the Eastrand water company, which runs the sewage treatment plant, confirmed that the plant was expriencing techical problems, they are currently taking emergency measures to see to the replacement and repair of faultly bio filters, The absence of which creates an overflow that the remaining equipment cannot handle the discharge water is not raw sewage as it has been subjected to the first phase of the process.
The authorities of department of water affairs visited he plant last week  and gave a go ahead to treat the overflowing water with calcium hypo chloride, which they say will not affect plant and animal life in the  sensitive ecological systems of the protected blesbokspruit, while diminishing the resultant smell.
 Its expected that the new custom built filter to be installed by friday, while plantis in place to refutbish and repair the remaining filters in the meantime, when the filter is installed there will no longer be a need for the overflow and smell and all the water will go through the regular treatment process.
Since we have meeting monthly a follow up will done to make sure everything is fixed, claen for community
Kwathema monitor

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Pholosong hospital in Tsakane

Pholosong hspital is in Tsakane tonwship which in the east of Johannesburg in Brakpan, Ekurhuleni Metro. The hospital is at the entrance and exit of Tsakane area.Pholosong is a hospital which is having 12 wards incuding, surgical ward,TB ward, Maternity ward and children ward. Each ward accomodate 40 patients, all in all it accomodate 600 patients.Pholosong is  faced with the problem of four township, which are, Kwathema popualtion of about 45000 people, Tsakane population of 56 000 people, Duduza population of 39 000, and Guleksdal 31 000.
Pholosong supposed to be bulid according to the population of these four township not only one, because when it was moved from Polark park in Springs, one of the reason that it was small and far from the people,Did it really solve that problem? NO.
Pholosong is faced with more patient than expected some have to  sleep on the floor because of the seriousness of their condition the is no more beds for them sleep on. Secondly the are patient that get treated and send home everyday, thirdly what they out patient who are given dates for checkup and medicine.
Doctors and Nurses because of the number of patient to attend to they are overworked and fatigue takes over, somebody who is fatigue can make mistakes which can be fatal.
The Goverment suppose to build hospital that have the resources as well enough accomodation for the people of that area.The manager could not release the number of patient they lose or die day because of classified information. Most Doctors live because of the condition they are working under, which creat more problem for the hospital and the people.Sick and injured patients wait for a long time to see to attendet to by the Doctor because the hospital is overloaded and nobody is doing athing about it.
We will be having a meeting with local Goverment on the 27 July concerning this issue,and hopefully take it to the next level wher desicions are made.The Goverment is busy building walkways all over the place and what about the the health of the people. people before profit, health comes first and the rest. The problem is that the people who are suppose to look after these issues they Medical aids so they dont go to these Goverment hospital to see what happening and try and bring a solution to it. Civil society must stand up and fight about this matter, so that their children will have better facillities and hospitals. Awareness and education on this issue is a key to better Kwasadutsa.that is kwathema, tsakane, duduza and gulksdal.
Kwa thema Monitor
Ekurhuleni enviromental org

Monday, 27 June 2011

Acid mine Drainage reaches Nigel

Nigel is small town situated in the east of johannesburg, ekurhuleni. The township is called Duduza with the population of about 35000 people and high number of  unemployment as well as high rate of crime and rape.
Grootvlei mine is Springs near Paynville in the Eastrand yet a distance of about 22ks to Nigel.Since Aurora is failing to keep the pump running, now the water have start to overflow to Blesblogspruit. The effect of the removal of the last of pumping equipment at grootvlei shaft three pumoing station on febuary7 seem to have finally surfaced. Gold focused developoment company called Goliath gold,created through the reverse aquisiont of public company white water resources bt goldone. In our meeting on 18th June 2011 concerning water quality. they reported that it was forced to halt operation at Sub nigel mines shaft one, used primarily as a training centre to bring gold gold one flagship moddereast operation to full production, Goliath gold said that anticipated rising waterr levels, brought  about by lack of pumping  from grootvei shaft three, theatened Safety of emplyees as well as polluting the spruits around including blesblogspruit.Commuty of infomal settlement of Ramaphoso used the water from blesblogspruit to wash cook, but the are not aware of the danger that the Grootvlei mine has created. The Goliath Gold said they expect the water level to reach critical levesl bt august and is consigering the plugging of shaft one  to preseve future use of under ground water assets Grootvlei mangement company Aurora. Thami Maseko indicated that the company is faced with more than problem, so the company is trying to protise. I ask about the life of people who are noy aware of the danger of acid mine drainage. He said that one of the things they are trying to raise the communities. Du plesiss told us Aurora failed to proof that they run  the mine now they are facing liquidation. Aurora fail to produce sbmit the document in time the case will heard unopposed on july 7 in the north Gauent high court. All these problems, they are not bringing solution to polltion of water which is danger to the people of Duduza.  I spoke to the Dumu Mkhonza spoke person for councillors about the acid mine drainage caused by Grootvlei mine and the danger that they are facing as well.He will organise a meeting soon for and the communty affected.
Kwa Thema monitor

Friday, 10 June 2011

Deforestation in Kwathema Ekurhuleni

This project ts desgned to capicitate the communities regarding deforestaion by Mines and other big companies without rehabiltating the landwhich causes soil erosion and deserttification.the trees or the forest help to keep the crcon into soil, by deforestaion, they cntribute in reasing the cabon dioxide into the aartmosphere which affect the climate negatively.Vlakfontein Mine which have left half deserted places near Kwa thema and not secured as no danger signs. did not rehabitate the land.Commuties did not have a say or not aware of the of the destruction which was caused it was apartheid era .Now that we know, they are gone no where to be found, poor community is now their resposabilty to fix the problems of the mines without resources. the area im talking about is between kwathema and pollark park. The areais left with tail[ngs sand which contains acid and other metal aswell very little that grows there, even if grows its contaminated. The problem is that, the hostel community some of got cows that feed on this grass which is contaminated as well as the that flows through the place and these owners are not in informed.These cows are going to sold to people. I spoke to Samson from Veja org concerning the problem, he indicated that are having a meeting with  the Ekurhuleni Goverment officials concening the sampling of the water by the independent for better results, and i will part of the team, this willhappen on the22 of june, the Ekurhuleni concern enviromental org(ECEO) gathered together to come with a plan to compel the local goverment to rehabilitate the are, secondly, capacitate community about the importancy of planting the trees and their advantage tp health and enviroment.These strategic options when implemented together would allow kwa thema to achieve better developd transformed area which was des\royd by mines. With the severe weather events, droughts, floods and others, planning and implementing is crucial.,trees help green house gas sinks, they absorb rather emit carbon and thus have an important mita\igation role.Afforestation will be good results.The goverment must ontroduce targeted education programmes that focus on the relationship between thecommecrcial fprestry section and conrvationsector to ensure biological diversity is not compromised  and that resience to climate risksis increased.
Kwa thema monitor
Kwa thema is in the east of Johannesburg called Ekurhuleni, poulation of about 45 500, high rate of unemployment.During the mining period in the eastrand. Mines removed the trees near the township for dunping

Deforestation in Kwathema Ekurhuleni.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Platinum refinery mine in Kwathema(Mzumbe)

Kwathema in Springs is situated in Ekurhuleni in the east of Johannesburg, South Africa.In kwa thema the lot of section forming kwa thema,one of the section is mzumbe.
Mzumbe is rdp houses which falls under ward 78 and the newly elected councilor is Thoko Radebe.Mzumbe was build in the year 2001, very close to Platinum refinery mine.and the mine is about 1km away from the hospital of people living with disability and mental case.The Platinum mine uses dangerous chemicals during the process of refinering the platinum.Since Mzumbe was build near the mine lot of people are complaining about chest problem,I spoke to Jabulani Mathebula not employed living close to the mine, he indicated that,he is now used to the bad smelling that comes from the mine during the day, but its worse at night,concerning his health, he having chest pain now and then, breathing problem and problem with his eyes, unfortunately he does not have money to go to the doctor fore check up.I manage to have a meeting the health and safety officer Welcome Nstipe from the Platinum mine,He said that as company the were very shocked to see the houses being build near the company and they went to speak the builder, the builder told them his job is build the must go and talk the Municipality of Kwathema.The company was not consulted at all.I wanted to know about disaster risk management plans taking into account the community of Mzumbe who will be affected by the chemicals in case of disaster. Welcome said those were issues which were suppose to be laid down even before the start building the houses. In fact the houses were not supposed to build in the area because of the dangerous chemicals.Speaking to the spoke person for the local leaders who did not want to be mentioned, We must talk to or mandate the National home builders registration council(nhbrc) to ensure that building construction conforms to the building requirements, including measures such as use of controlled ventilation, houses build in a right area and by a registered builder with The (nhbrc.Given the significance of these impacts, it is clear that urgent and decisive action is required to try and limit the problem. but unfortunately the councilors are still preparing their office. but i spoke Mthuthu to try and have a meeting with the relevant councilor for the ward to conduct a research to determine appropriate monitoring with which to evaluate the ongoing wrong building of the houses.I planning to meet the people involved on this matter to try and bring better health to the people of Mzumbe soon.
Kwa thema monitor

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Brick company{big hole}

Endicourt is a rural area in Springs towards Nigel.Springs is at Ekurhuleni metro in the east of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Endicourt as rural area now is starting to develop, because the Goverment is starting to build houses for Endicourt community and do away with informal setlement in the area. Most of the people in this area work at the farms which is still own by whites. Employment rate is very high and crime is on the rise. close to area the is railway line wnich is not secured.And when you jump the railway line about 50m, the is big hole which was dug by a brick company, unfortunately the people of thi area have forgetten the name of the company whch left long time ago.The company according a source who does not want to be mentioned, indicated that the company came in 1998 and left in 2007. The copmany left without rehabilitang the land left a big hole which its lenght is 100m width 50m and deep about 10m and rain water is starting to fill the hole creating more danger to the the community since the hole is not fenced and secured and is without warning signs. The family of Nhlanhla Malaza living close to the hole, They said already three peolpe have lost their life in that hole and nobody is taking resposibity about it.they main concern is children who play over the place when parents are at work. Secondly people walk pass near the hole when thy go to work and coming back.Thirdly at night the place is dark drunk peole can fall in there and die. Having heard the views of the residents, Endicourt community live me without any doubt that the hole have bad effects on the commuty of Endicourt,particulary the families living close to the family. Thabisile Ngomo thou she is not sure whether the water is polluted and dangers for health she collect and boil the water and used it for cooking and washing since she does not have water yet.The cry of the residents of Endicourt could be better addressed by closing the hole, they feel marginalised and sidelined because nobody is claming the damage as far as the land destruction is and danger to their life is concerned.I spoke to a secuty guy who is guarding railway line. unfoturnately he does nt have any information about the company.
Comments from the community.
We would like the councillor to take up this issue
We are neglected and not living like humans
Peolpe of this area to work together with the Goverment to make sure peolpes concern are met and done.
The councillor was not available since the are still busy with votes.
Lastly the community of Endicourt decided that we meet again when voting is done., and we can aproach the newly elected leader to deal with this issue.Really the place is bad Goverment should do something to make it better.
Kwa thema monitor

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Toxic fuels[Paraffin] in Kwatzadudza

Kwatzadudza.The name come from three townships in the eastrand, that is Kwathema, Tsakane and Duduza in Ekurhuleni and with lot of informal settlement around. Uneplyoment is very high which increases the rate of crime as well.
Informal settlement and rural commnuties especially the poor still denpend very much on paraffin as means of energy since is affordable.
Paraffin remains a popular fuel choice for South Africa, despite its dangers. Paraffin remains most affordable,convenient and practical energy source for many poor Kwatsadudza household and South africa at large,Rural and urban alike.
Paraffin is the toxic fuel and use in poorly ventilated homes which increases the risk of inhalation and thus contracting or exacerbating resparation illness. Paraffin is often stored in empty cooldrink bottles not labelled and the risk of accidental ingestion is high.Fires resulting from use of paraffin stoves are frequent,with over 400 000 fires annually. Approximately 100 000 homes are destroyed every year, particularly in high density informal settlement like Langa ville which is between Kwa thema and Tsakane.Fires also results in fatalies and burns especially children. Exposure to the Paraffin fumes is assosciated with a number of respration deseases including chronic obtructive pulmonary deseae,lung cancer,nasopharyngeal cancer,Tubercolsis and eye desease, low birth weight and acute lower respiratory infections may be recorded,particularly in children under age of five.According to the Goverment figuresm up to 40% of household in South Africa mosttly low income household in rural and urban informal settlement, still rely on Paraffin and is becoming expensive. This means that nearly 5 million households,comprimising 20 milion people, use paraffin for cooking and heating.I visited the family of Sam Thabethe staying at Langaville. He is unemployed with a wife and 3 children, he uses paraffin.
These are the questions that ask him.
1, Why are they still using Paraffin instead of other means.
2,How much do they know about the danger of Paraffin,
3,Do they make sure the bottles are put in a safe place,
Mr Thabethe
Thou paraffin is getting expensive but its what the can afford, the dont have a choice. Concerning safety , he said the kids are the one who goes and buy it at the garage so the bottles that contains the paraffin wont do anything, since they know.Concerning deases, he does not know anything because he is been using for a long time and he si not sick. I explain to him, and ask him to talk to others for a meeting.
This lead to talk about energy poverty.Aspect of energy povertym where poor are forced to rely on paraffin for energy, the inefficient ways of prducing and using these source which results in adverse health and environmental impacts.
Kwa thema monitor
kwa thema environmental org

Friday, 6 May 2011

Toxic water in Kwathema,Paynville and Duduza

Acid mine drainage is a type of Toxic pollution caused when acidic water flows out from abandoned mines.Asthe water flows out of the mine, it trikles into waterways and permeates the soil and enters the watertable, causing widespread contamination
The following aticle focuses on an aspect of this disaster in the eastrand, Ekurhuleni Townships, namely, Kwathema,Paynville and Duduza, which has received less attention. For 100 years, the area in the eastrand has been one of the richest mining underground gold and uranium bearing reefs in South Africa. Many of the companies which eploited the resources have disapeared. however, they have left an expensive legacy of Environmental pollution. Mines like Grootvlei in Springs near Paynville which is pollting blesbokspuit fulltime and Vlakvontein polluting wetlands in Kwa thema and Duduza..
Lately, attention has been focused on the problem of acid mine drainage which consist of uncotlolled flows of polluted water from abandoned mines into the surface watersources and underground aquifers sorrounding the former mines near township. the pontetail and existing damage from the acid water to the above townshpis water suplly and health risks to the ecosystems and human beings are massive. the Grootvleimine bells rang when the mine started discharching its untreated water into the adjecent wetland as well as Blesboksprit. as the resultther were mass death of fish, crabs and other life forms.
Aurora empowerment systems. took over with no mine experience, within four months, Aorora begen to default. it allowed acid mine drainage to be deposired in the blesbokspruit the Enfofement arm of the the Dept of water affairs from 19 March 2010, 2000 workers distrught by the failure to paid, down the tools, leaving only 100 workers to take of the essential care and maintance. which is highly impossible.Communities in the near townships suffer most and no body seems to care. Commuties in Paynviile iling in the shacks depend on thes water of rhe wetlands and blesbokspruit. The mine Bosses have no where to found.Councils refere the matter to mines.
Local speaker Mr Mathebula indicated that the is whith the Gorverment the will inform me if the meetings takes place with Mine bosses as the Goverment.
Kwa thema environmetal org
kwathema monitor

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Mine shaft in Kwa thema and paynviille

These two township are in the Eastrand now called Ekurhuleni in South Africa.Eastrand is one of the areas which was crowded by mines before, and the are still operating in this area.
The problem we are facing now, The mines that are no more in operation but the damage they have left still live the commuties.Vlakfontein mine near Kwa thema which is no more in operation, left mine shaft 5 in Kwa thema in the Interland section near the graveyard which lot of people pass by going different placees and is close to Phulong high school. the shaft is not secured, no warning signs and is not fenced.
Inspecting the shaft we find that ,it has holes in it, sometimes its full of water after the rain, One cannot see how deep are holes.The danger we are facing, is children can go and play in there and fall in the hole drown and die there.Speaking to the families staying near the shaft. Aflred and Thoko Mokoena, indicated that the are few children who got injured in the shaft. the current state parents make sure that they kids dont go to that place,Thoko indicated that most of the time the are at work so anything can happen.I ask if the commuty around raised any corcern about the shaft. she said people mind they own busines as well as they kids. the second family i spoke to. the family of Zinhle Mthembu. The shaft is used by thugs in the evening when people are from work or even passerby, the place is very dark at night any thing can happen without being seen. the second problem is the kids they play in shaft get injured but the commuty around is not united to fight the problem. I went to the ward coucil Temi Dladla. I was told to write a letter of appointment, which i did. the meeting took place on tuesday morning 26 2011.We spoke about the the problem. she said that she will take the matter to the board as soon as it sits and took my details for discusions and feed back
The councillor of paynville,Thabo Maseko was available to talk with me.Paynviile is having a shaft no12, its not secured and no warning signs around for the people to know. Mr Maseko indicated that the shaft is a big problem because lot of poeple have since disapeard without any trace and the cases are with the police, They are not sure that people disapeard on the shaft or not, but the shaft is deep.He indictaed that mines like Aurora are not coplying with the moning works programme and copliance with the environmental management programme. Maseko said he place the blame on the doorstep of the Department of mineral resources (Susan Shabangu).
The second problem of the shaft is that the water from the ground is full is having acid, the water now flows to Blesbokspruit polluting the water as well. We decided to call East rand water care company(ERWAT) for possible meeting with them, the reception took Maseko details they will come back to him. Secodly i ask him to try and cornven a meeting with the Mayor that will include Temi Dladla on the issue of these shafts.
The Goverment must make sure with the existing operating Mines, that this does not happen in the future auding the compliance of Environmental managent programme, because of severe environmetal degradation. The results of this, poor commuties are the one who suffers.
The matter will go on until something is done. Save our poor commuties by involving yourself.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Tailings dams in Kwa Thema,Paynville and Daggafontein

The East rand has been mined for more than a century.i is on gold and uranium mining basin with extraction, from more than 50 mines. The Eastrand mines basin covers an area of 1000km, Has some 400km of mines tailings dams.
Waste from Gold mines constitutes the largest single source of waste and pollution in South Africa.
Kwa thema Paynville and Daggafontein in the eastrand are township which are highly affected by this waste from the mines called tailings dams which they consiist of Acid mine drainage{AMD} and heavy metals like sulphur.
Acid mine drainage is responsible for the most cstly environmetal and socio-economic impacts. AMD pollute water and siol and affect health of commuties living near these tailings dams, Like Thema, Paynville and Daggafonteim. Acid mine drainage polluted water may lead to increased rates of cancer,decrease cognitive function and appearance of skin lesions. Heavy metals in drinking water could compromise foetal neural development, which can result in mental retardation.
Section 9 in Kwa thema is low cost houses are built on the footprints of or adjacent to vlakfontein mine, which is now closed, While the waste will continue to generate(AMD)for centuries affecting the poor commuty.
I took the initiative to talk the families who are living closer to the waste
The of Anthony Vilakazi not employed
T he qoestions i ask them.
1. what they know about tailings dams?
2.Do they know about acd mine mine drainage?
3.Children play in the waste
4.When these houses were build were they informed about the dangers?
1. They only know that this comes from under groud from the mine
2.They know acid but not aware that this waste have acid.
3. The kids do ply in the waste
4. They were happy for the houses, they did not ask anything about the waste.
I took some time to educate them about the dangers of these tailings dams to they health and the next comong generation. They must not drink water that cmes from the AMD. Idid the same with the family of Zodwa Mkhwanazi and Mike Mokoena. I ask them to try and spread the information. In Paynville i spoke to Simon Mahanzula who is a cgarrete rep. I used the same question above.His response is that, Thou he has knowledge, The tailings dam is not fenced so people pass through when they go to the shops,and kids ply football the.I made an appointment with commuty leader Zwelibanzi Mbatha, He can be avaible after elections. I left my paticulars and took his.Local goverment spoke person known as Mr Mahlasela. i ask him about the tailings dams in the three places. His responce was that.
The Goverment has called a meeting with the mine owners in May not sure of the exact date, he wiil find out for and email it. The mine owners must account for the waste and come with away forward.
Daggafontien is next to attended to, Because it a remote area.
Acid mine drainage has been estimated to be the greatest ecological risk next Global warming. If indeed the extent of problems related to mining waste may be ratedas secnd only to global warming the Eastrand mining area of South africa is a serious risk especially the poor and woman.
Arguably the sin of our day is failure to care for poor in this Environmental destruction. I invive everyone to make awareness on this issue. I still busy with matter.

Kwa thema evironmental org
kwa thema monitors

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Kwa thema Domestic pollution

Kwa thema is a township which is situated in Ekurhuleni in the east of Johannesburg South Africa.Kwa thema township is having high number of unemployment, And crime is high.
Kwa thema is a township which originated from aera called Paynville. poeple were moveed from Paynville because of Tornado which struck in 1958. the other reason was apartheid.
Kwa thema is township which still using coal stoves as way of cooking, boiling water and warming the house. the coal stoves were introduced by the goverment of that time, because believed that blacks did not deserve electricity. they have to used coal as the they are black. It was rasist goverment,Majority of Kwa thema still uses the coal stoves as of today.Kwa thema at five in afternoon is dark because of the smoke everybody is making fire for cooking, Its like seven in the envening.I Meshack went out to make a reseach, to find out how much our peolpe know about smoke that is produced by the same coal stoves they are using and the negative effect it has in they health as well as pollution in the artmosphere.Educate them about rewable energies.
The first family i spoke to, is the family of.
1 Mafa C Mahlangu
1.He still used coal stove because he is earning very less and cannot afford the prepaid eletricity. He only uses electricity for lights.
2.He has no idea of pollution of the artmosphere, but has little information about them getting sick from the smoke,
3,No idea about Renewable energy, and he indicated after i explain to him that will be a good idea to have that, Replacing coal
The second family Jampi S Monedi
1. He is having a family of seven,not working, the coal stove save him a lot, because they make fire once a day, but can cook many times, boil water and warm the the house as well. they only used electricity for for lights,
2.Monedi knows little about the danger of the smke in their health but nothing about polltion of the artmosphere.
3.No idea about renewable energy,
I explain to both the families about the danger of smoke,and how it pollutes our artmospher and educated them renewable energy,
Most of our poeple still need education climate change, What affects it, what is Carbon dioxide and other chemicals, Because commutieis in shacks still use Mbawulas and sleep with it inside the house,
They did want to be mentioned.
Their are prepared to deal with the matter after elections. I try persuade them that this issue is of important during these elections, because it will be raising awareness about domestic pollution.
Climate change is likely to have far reaching and catastrophic social impacts and will affect communities in different ways.It is shocking that leaders dont want to entertain this issue of pollution or because they dont know about it SAVE KWA THEMA
Kwa thema environmetal org

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Kwa thema is a Township which is situated in the east of Johannesbur.It falls under Ekurhuleni.
Kwa thema is one the Township which still uses the coal stoves as means of cooking and warming the house. The shacks in the Township, Uses the coal stoves as well
Kwa thema was not having electricityin the 1960s, Until Electricity was introduced in the late Seventies. But was expensive secodly people were used in using the coal stoves.
1 peolpe still used the stoves because of prepaid electricity, they cant afford.
2 Coal stoves you can use for cooking and warming the house same time.
3 Coal is cheaper
1 Coughing
2 Breathing problem
3 Burning eyes
1 Shining a light on Kwa thema Community about danger of smke
2 Raise awareness about carbon Dioxied in the Artmosphe and their health.
3 Greater participation
4 Education about Rewablbe ernegy
1 They wiil be able to talk to me after Elections as they are busy with campaings
2 The issue of climate change is it one campaing issue? No
3 The issue of smoke is not in the agenda
I hope to speak to community Leaders soon.


Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Experiences of 2011 monitoring school

The school started on 28.march 2011. The are five monitors from the 2010 school who were called back,and eight monitors from 2011. The facilitators indicated very well that this year its going to be a year commitment you are going to selected by your performance. I feel we were given enough training, I am ready.

blogging tasks for april and may

1 Domestic pollution; Communities still using coal stoves for cooking as well as warming the house

2 Tailing dams; Houses build near the the tailings dam, danger of radiation and polluted water

3Mine shaft; Inside the location not fenced

4Pollutin of water; Companies around eastrand are draining water into our rivers

5Platinim refinery plant; Section near the plant people are complaining about smoke and sicknesses

6Paraffin use; Most of the the people are using in shacks instant of rewable energy

7Bricks company; Big hole was dug by the company which they left like that, already we have lost 3lives

8Deforestation; trees are being cut down outside our location