Kwa thema is township which is in the east of Johannesburg which fall under Ekurhuleni metro. Kwa thema is having population of 45 000 and high number of un employment which escalates crime.
Kwa thema recently is having a problem with local goverment corncening electricity,The new system was introduced without consulting the community and leaders of the community as well. The system most of the communty dont understant it but what they tell is that ir is expensive, as i have indicated most of the people are not working, those who do are earning next to nothing at all.
The leaders of the Kwathema community that is PAC and ANC called a commnity meeeting on issue of electrictyon 03.08.2011 and letter was drafted to the Mayor and the team, stated all the problem the community is not happy about with the issue of electricity as main issue.The moyor was given two weeks to respond, two weeks went by and the was no responce.another commnity meeting was called and a decision was taken that action must be taken to show the goverment the serouisness of the matter. On the 15.09.2011 comminity went on rampage stoping people from going to work burning gorverment propety street were closed with rockss and burning tyres government officials were threaten as well police came and used rubber bullts to stop the crowd. The second day again it was the same story.Eskom aproach the commnity leaders on the same issue and explain to the leaders that it was not him who introduced the system but the municipalty of kwa thema.The information made commniy more angry and on the 22.08.2011 again community of kwa thema took action destroying government propety and cars blocking the strees again.
The moyor till today have not responded to the leaders and the commnity about the matter.Meeting was held on 24.09.2011 for stategic action to pressurise the government to respond to the demands of the comminty.
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