South africa is the largest CO2 emitter on the African continent, and the 12th leargest emitter in the world.Devastating
Climate change is an average change of weather pattern of place for a long period of time, the cause of climate change is green house gases especially CO2 in the atmosphere.
Climate change will have a negative impact on us all as the earths average temperatures rises, Oceans are warming, ice caps in the north and south poles are melting, sea level are rising and extreme weather events like huricanes, drouhgt, floods, cold spells and heat waves are occuring more often. climate change is likely to results in adrain on the economy because of increased sickness among the population,damage to transpotation infrastructure, reduction in prdutive land and available water, loss of homes,through heavy rains.Having based our industrialisation on the burning of fossil fuels, we placed ourselves at the brief point between ecological contrant and ecological catastroph.We are living like there is no tomorrow,no coming generation.
Our South African Government is showing very little commitment or nothing at all, because they are still building more coal power station like Khusile and Modupi to generate electricity out of which emit lot of CO2. secondly our Government want to build 6 nuclear plant in Cape province to generate electricity.Nuclear is produced out of uranium which is radioactive as well as Nuclear,How can you generate electricity out of a bomb, we saw what happen in Japan.Government is not looking at itroducing renewable energies like Soalr, Wind turbines and Biomas and so on,We have all the resources in South africa.
Our commitment to tackle climate change does not rest only on the achievment and implementation of international agreements.Our commitment must be borne out by what we do here at home. We have the means indeed, the responsibility to ensure that our policies, programs and actvities contribute to emission reduction and respond to the impact of climate change on our country and region.Avoiding runaway climate change will require the most far reaching structral reforms carried out by human society, businness as usual is simply not an option, already other Countries like Kenya and Somalia are affected by drought. rewable energy must be introduced to aviod catastrophy in our country
Kwathema monitor
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