Thursday, 11 August 2011

Follow up on sewage spillage in Springs

Representative moved to declare the Strubunvale area in Springs as a disaster zone, as sewage continued to flow from broken pipes enventually ending up in the blesbokspruit.
The aim of the meeting was originally to discuss Erwat,s recent filters crisis, which forced the ancor sewage works traetment plant to pump partially treated water into the environment. With Erwat recent replacement of one of three broken filters,eliminating the need for the resultant overflow. Erwat estimated that 50 milliom litres of sewage had escape from the pipes in the past week,prompting outrage from the residets, who heatedly questioned the Metro for its slow response to a pontetial ecological disaster, Councillor Andre du plessis, together with the ward councillor Shadow Shabangu and pr councillor Jackie Reilly, summed up stance on the issue, requesting that the situation be declared a disaster to free up Metro tender processes. Mechanism must put up in place to disinfect or contain the situation for sake of drinking supply, ecological systems in the Blesbokspruit and the  health of residents around park, Meanwhile, chemical samples taken  from the spruit by the quality section last week,as well as chemical and bacteriological samples taken last week were still being analysed. The environmetal heath directorate says that this could be predicted that the incident will have significant effect on water quality, further recommendationts by the (EHD) include the  involvement of the environmental management wing of the Metro,s Department ot Environmental Development, the cleaning of solid  mass fromWilhemina park and to prevent the leakage of sewage from connections on the temporary pipes.Acting metro spokesman Justice Mohale says that  temporary solutions proved in effective, as tenporary pipes could not accommodate peak flow, promting the installation of a second temporary pipe.
 For a permanent solution it will be neccessary to replace both lines with 550mm diameter steel lines with new supports on both sides,Due to the fact  that is a specialised project, it requires proper planning and design.The metro promised to treat the matter with urgency and a meeting will be held soon.
 The residents of Strubunvalle are still breathing the dirty air and their evironment is still being polluted. Something drastically must be done the community of this place
Kwa thema evironmental org

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