Thursday, 12 May 2011

Toxic fuels[Paraffin] in Kwatzadudza

Kwatzadudza.The name come from three townships in the eastrand, that is Kwathema, Tsakane and Duduza in Ekurhuleni and with lot of informal settlement around. Uneplyoment is very high which increases the rate of crime as well.
Informal settlement and rural commnuties especially the poor still denpend very much on paraffin as means of energy since is affordable.
Paraffin remains a popular fuel choice for South Africa, despite its dangers. Paraffin remains most affordable,convenient and practical energy source for many poor Kwatsadudza household and South africa at large,Rural and urban alike.
Paraffin is the toxic fuel and use in poorly ventilated homes which increases the risk of inhalation and thus contracting or exacerbating resparation illness. Paraffin is often stored in empty cooldrink bottles not labelled and the risk of accidental ingestion is high.Fires resulting from use of paraffin stoves are frequent,with over 400 000 fires annually. Approximately 100 000 homes are destroyed every year, particularly in high density informal settlement like Langa ville which is between Kwa thema and Tsakane.Fires also results in fatalies and burns especially children. Exposure to the Paraffin fumes is assosciated with a number of respration deseases including chronic obtructive pulmonary deseae,lung cancer,nasopharyngeal cancer,Tubercolsis and eye desease, low birth weight and acute lower respiratory infections may be recorded,particularly in children under age of five.According to the Goverment figuresm up to 40% of household in South Africa mosttly low income household in rural and urban informal settlement, still rely on Paraffin and is becoming expensive. This means that nearly 5 million households,comprimising 20 milion people, use paraffin for cooking and heating.I visited the family of Sam Thabethe staying at Langaville. He is unemployed with a wife and 3 children, he uses paraffin.
These are the questions that ask him.
1, Why are they still using Paraffin instead of other means.
2,How much do they know about the danger of Paraffin,
3,Do they make sure the bottles are put in a safe place,
Mr Thabethe
Thou paraffin is getting expensive but its what the can afford, the dont have a choice. Concerning safety , he said the kids are the one who goes and buy it at the garage so the bottles that contains the paraffin wont do anything, since they know.Concerning deases, he does not know anything because he is been using for a long time and he si not sick. I explain to him, and ask him to talk to others for a meeting.
This lead to talk about energy poverty.Aspect of energy povertym where poor are forced to rely on paraffin for energy, the inefficient ways of prducing and using these source which results in adverse health and environmental impacts.
Kwa thema monitor
kwa thema environmental org

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