Friday, 6 May 2011

Toxic water in Kwathema,Paynville and Duduza

Acid mine drainage is a type of Toxic pollution caused when acidic water flows out from abandoned mines.Asthe water flows out of the mine, it trikles into waterways and permeates the soil and enters the watertable, causing widespread contamination
The following aticle focuses on an aspect of this disaster in the eastrand, Ekurhuleni Townships, namely, Kwathema,Paynville and Duduza, which has received less attention. For 100 years, the area in the eastrand has been one of the richest mining underground gold and uranium bearing reefs in South Africa. Many of the companies which eploited the resources have disapeared. however, they have left an expensive legacy of Environmental pollution. Mines like Grootvlei in Springs near Paynville which is pollting blesbokspuit fulltime and Vlakvontein polluting wetlands in Kwa thema and Duduza..
Lately, attention has been focused on the problem of acid mine drainage which consist of uncotlolled flows of polluted water from abandoned mines into the surface watersources and underground aquifers sorrounding the former mines near township. the pontetail and existing damage from the acid water to the above townshpis water suplly and health risks to the ecosystems and human beings are massive. the Grootvleimine bells rang when the mine started discharching its untreated water into the adjecent wetland as well as Blesboksprit. as the resultther were mass death of fish, crabs and other life forms.
Aurora empowerment systems. took over with no mine experience, within four months, Aorora begen to default. it allowed acid mine drainage to be deposired in the blesbokspruit the Enfofement arm of the the Dept of water affairs from 19 March 2010, 2000 workers distrught by the failure to paid, down the tools, leaving only 100 workers to take of the essential care and maintance. which is highly impossible.Communities in the near townships suffer most and no body seems to care. Commuties in Paynviile iling in the shacks depend on thes water of rhe wetlands and blesbokspruit. The mine Bosses have no where to found.Councils refere the matter to mines.
Local speaker Mr Mathebula indicated that the is whith the Gorverment the will inform me if the meetings takes place with Mine bosses as the Goverment.
Kwa thema environmetal org
kwathema monitor

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