Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Tailings dams in Kwa Thema,Paynville and Daggafontein

The East rand has been mined for more than a century.i is on gold and uranium mining basin with extraction, from more than 50 mines. The Eastrand mines basin covers an area of 1000km, Has some 400km of mines tailings dams.
Waste from Gold mines constitutes the largest single source of waste and pollution in South Africa.
Kwa thema Paynville and Daggafontein in the eastrand are township which are highly affected by this waste from the mines called tailings dams which they consiist of Acid mine drainage{AMD} and heavy metals like sulphur.
Acid mine drainage is responsible for the most cstly environmetal and socio-economic impacts. AMD pollute water and siol and affect health of commuties living near these tailings dams, Like Thema, Paynville and Daggafonteim. Acid mine drainage polluted water may lead to increased rates of cancer,decrease cognitive function and appearance of skin lesions. Heavy metals in drinking water could compromise foetal neural development, which can result in mental retardation.
Section 9 in Kwa thema is low cost houses are built on the footprints of or adjacent to vlakfontein mine, which is now closed, While the waste will continue to generate(AMD)for centuries affecting the poor commuty.
I took the initiative to talk the families who are living closer to the waste
The of Anthony Vilakazi not employed
T he qoestions i ask them.
1. what they know about tailings dams?
2.Do they know about acd mine mine drainage?
3.Children play in the waste
4.When these houses were build were they informed about the dangers?
1. They only know that this comes from under groud from the mine
2.They know acid but not aware that this waste have acid.
3. The kids do ply in the waste
4. They were happy for the houses, they did not ask anything about the waste.
I took some time to educate them about the dangers of these tailings dams to they health and the next comong generation. They must not drink water that cmes from the AMD. Idid the same with the family of Zodwa Mkhwanazi and Mike Mokoena. I ask them to try and spread the information. In Paynville i spoke to Simon Mahanzula who is a cgarrete rep. I used the same question above.His response is that, Thou he has knowledge, The tailings dam is not fenced so people pass through when they go to the shops,and kids ply football the.I made an appointment with commuty leader Zwelibanzi Mbatha, He can be avaible after elections. I left my paticulars and took his.Local goverment spoke person known as Mr Mahlasela. i ask him about the tailings dams in the three places. His responce was that.
The Goverment has called a meeting with the mine owners in May not sure of the exact date, he wiil find out for and email it. The mine owners must account for the waste and come with away forward.
Daggafontien is next to attended to, Because it a remote area.
Acid mine drainage has been estimated to be the greatest ecological risk next Global warming. If indeed the extent of problems related to mining waste may be ratedas secnd only to global warming the Eastrand mining area of South africa is a serious risk especially the poor and woman.
Arguably the sin of our day is failure to care for poor in this Environmental destruction. I invive everyone to make awareness on this issue. I still busy with matter.

Kwa thema evironmental org
kwa thema monitors

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