Friday, 11 November 2011

Loss of Agriculture and Farmers Eastern township

Agriculture is very important us,and significant employer.Without enough viable commercial farms,South Africa,s food security is endangered.
Eastern township are at Ekurhuleni east of Johannesburg and badly affected by Acid mine drainage of which was produced by the Mines which left the slarry or dump side which are full of heavy metals and these heavy metals are drained into our spruit and rivers of which we depend on for agriculture that is farming,we depend on for drinking as well as fishing for living, but all this is in danger.
Loss of Farmers will hit jobs and food security.The Environmental meeting we had with other organisation concerning the polluted water which affect farming in rural areas.Ernest a farmer in Nigel near Duduza township, said that in 1980 there were about 128 000 commercial farmers, in 1997 there were about 58 000 and 40 000 today,predictions were that this would drop to 15 000 in the next 15 years. he said South Africa used to export more food than it imported.Organised agriculture indicated that the decline is Twofold. one is cost of farming are rising fast than output, reason the climate change and water is polluted it does not serve its purpose,but it kills the crops.Coming to Ekurhuleni which is highly affected by acid mine drainage as well sewage water affect the small scale and commercial farmers and its fast affecting jobs of the rural areas people, this creates a lot of uncertainty,and uncertainty does not attract investment. Government needs to create an environment in which agriculture can flourish.When talking to  local Ekurhuleni Government officials they indicated that the issue of water is dealt with at a high level of the government, they will soon give a report back on that, the second concern is the small scale farmers that are making a living out farming and now is being affected by this Environmental issues, which little or nothing is done about it.
A meeting will called to inform communities about the problem we are facing concerning Farming in Ekurhuleni.Agriculture is basis of the Rural areas economy, its counts for a lions share for them and if nothing is done about it, soon we will be affected by this problem we think its far away from us. people depend on agriculture for food and income, we need to fight to together achieve the best for rural communities and urban communities, because we as well depend on farming.
Kwa thema monitor
Ekurhuleni environmental org